Anastasia Ruzhinskaya
ISUNRISE Inc. Manager
We offer a fully automated 360 personnel assessment service
Flexible settings
The report can be filled with your corporate competencies
Is DISC employee assessment valid?
Individual personal DISC questionnaire allows you to measure the behaviors and competencies of employees with precision via autoassessment. Involvement of colleagues, subordinates or managers is not required to obtain valid results.
This information is more complete than what we can get by applying the classic 360 method. A comparison of natural and adapted human behavior yields a lot of useful information in the context of the degree and direction of adaptation, possible causes of emotional discomfort, correct understanding of work priorities.
The classic approach allows you to collect the opinions of others about a particular employee, albeit averaged.
360 DISC Method goes further
It’s the most serious coaching
and team building tool.
Anastasia Ruzhinskaya
ISUNRISE Inc. Manager
what we are least aware of
Conditions for conducting 360 DISC method
Teams up to 10 people
The team ideally should not be very large —
up to 10 people.
Manager = subordinate
It’s best if of the leader participates on an equal footing
with subordinates.
Experienced moderator
You should have an experienced moderator
and voluntary consent of all participants.
You need to have your own individual report
Each participant should undergo DISC assessment and have their own individual report, which forms the basis for collaboration.
> 2 hours
The session is held for several hours and a whole day, depending on the depth of study, the presence and degree of conflicts in the team.
Brief description of the method
Participants sit in a circle, taking turns to get into the general circle of attention.
Using their individual DISC report, each participant reports on their traits, strengths and limitations, shares information they are ready to reveal.
In addition, participants inform colleagues how best to communicate with them and what should be avoided. DISC reports help you formulate phrases in a very clear and understandable way.
In the process of how one participant, in turn, shares information about themselves, colleagues give feedback, both positive and those requiring development using specific examples. This allows you to expand the list of ineffective traits recorded by the moderator and form the basis of a development Plan (Personal Development Plan).
The moderator’s job is an extremely delicate one. A DISC 360 event should be held without mutual insults and accusations and with maximum benefit for all!
Often, a 360 Disc event includes additional
All participants are on an equal footing, revealing their cards to each other!
The convenience of DISC reports, the sensitive and simple format of presenting information cancels out deliberate objections of those not ready to talk about themselves. The participation of all team members also contributes to better communication. Without a doubt, the language of observed DISC behavior, knowledge of its basics allows you to unlock the potential of each participant and show more clearly talents and strengths to colleagues and the immediate supervisor.
INSUNRISE Psychometrix Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) seeks to protect the privacy of users of the site, and other domains (hereinafter referred to as Sites) owned by the company. We are working to protect confidentiality, limit the transfer of personal data, include technical guarantees and relevant security protocols, as well as comply with privacy standards in new online services. To this end, we would like you to accurately represent how we use the personal information that you provide us with, have provideв before or will provide in the future.
INSUNRISE services suggest that in some cases, when submitting applications, passing assessments on the web-site(s) of the Company, corresponding with the Company, users must report personal data. The company uses this information for identification and communication, as well as for displaying information in individual reports obtained as a result of the assessment. This information, along with the valid assessment results, is sent to INSUNRISE Customers or users of the ASDI program (hereinafter referred to as the Program) hosted on the Company’s server(s) and owned and used to process the data obtained during the assessment.
The Company is not responsible for the use of this information by the Company's Customers or Program Users. We deliver this information to Customer Responsible Persons or directly to Customers, who may be both individuals and legal entities, requiring a unique username and password or access key code (an individual unique alphanumeric-character combination) (hereinafter referred to as Key) for all customers and users.
We do not under any circumstances transfer, sell or trade, nor do we lease to any person, legal, physical or organization information about personal data transferred to the Company.
The company is not responsible for the disclosure or dissemination of personal data provided to it, if this information was published and is freely available, does not represent secrets, as well as in the case of obtaining this information by the competent authorities of the countries in accordance with their legislation where ASDI program is represented.
Company’s websites may contain forms for users and potential customers requiring them to enter this or that information. These forms usually ask for contact information (for example, phone or email), unique identifiers (for example, username and password) or financial information (for example, credit card numbers through one of the official payment systems with mandatory compliance with all protocols security and only with the consent of the user or client). This contact information may be used to inform about products, services or promotions.
We can also conduct surveys or launch promotions, or conmpetitions, during which such information can be collected and used for their implementation. Users can opt out of receiving such messages by selecting the appropriate option during account setup or modification (if this method is used in principle. The main anti-spam policy of the Company involves avoiding sending spam messages).
We also reserve the right to aggregate or compile and use the data we receive for use in research, product development and statistical analysis. Such data is used only in aggregate and does not reveal the identity of any person.
If the Company provides customer information to a third party, this is done in the form of aggregated data and is used for the purposes of product development, research or statistical analysis. Information is provided impersonal, devoid of all confidential data. Information can be grouped in aggregate arrays of answers of our users and grouped, for example, to obtain statistical conclusions.
Our website can read the IP address, browser type and version, device type and version from which the Program was entered, the user's switched domain, and the operating system of the computer when the user visits the site. IP addresses may in some cases be associated with personal information. We use this information to diagnose problems with our server and to administer our website(s). IP addresses and other similar information can also be used to collect demographic information — information that is not related to any person and is anonymous.
In order to use our website (s), users and customers must accept "cookies" (these are small data files that some websites write) to the user's hard disk during a visit in order to ensure subsequent quick access to them). Cookies tracks information about which pages a user have visited. This information will be used to improve the experience of using the website, providing content in accordance with the individual preferences of users. Users can accept or reject the use of cookies, or set up a notification about the use of cookies by the site by configuring browser settings.
When a user pays for the tool or places an order on the website, the user's personal information and credit card details are processed and encrypted on secure servers using industry standard SSL encryption. SSL is an abbreviation for Secure Sockets Layer, a protocol developed by Netscape to transmit confidential documents over the Internet.
Links to third-party websites can be placed on the company's websites. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of such sites. Please note that we cannot be held responsible for personal information that you voluntarily disclose to third parties.
The company is committed to protecting the privacy of our customers. We use the information collected on our website(s) to improve our products, increase the comfort of working with our services and programs and for scientific research. By using our website(s), you consent to the collection and use of information by the Company. We may change our privacy policy from time to time. At the same time, we will always inform you by posting such changes on this page. You will always know what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we disclose it.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments about privacy. Please send all comments or suggestions by email to
1.1. This Public Offer is addressed to individuals and (or) legal entities (hereinafter Customers) and is an official offer from LLC "Insunrise", represented by General Director A. V. Bryukhov, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor", to conclude a Contract on rendering of services of non-exclusive access to ASDI program (INSUNRISE DISC Assessment System) to process data for INSUNRISE reporting, as well as business and/or other type of consulting, diagnostics, coaching and other consultancy services, presented on the official web-site(s) by, or other Contractor domains.
1.2. In accordance with paragraph 2.437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this document is a Public Offer, and should the conditions set forth below be accepted, Customers who accept this Offer shall pay for Contractor Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Payment by Customer to Contractor is considered to be a moment of complete and unconditional acceptance of Contractor's Offer to conclude a Contract set forth in the Offer Conditions (i.e. acceptance of the offer), in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 3 of article 438 of the civil code.
1.3. On the basis of the above, Customer, in the process of familiarization with the text of the Public Offer, and in case of disagreement with any point of the Offer, retains the right to refuse Services provided by Contractor.
1.4. Customer (if a private individual) guarantees the right and legal capacity necessary for the conclusion and fulfilment of this Agreement.
1.5. In this Offer, unless context requires otherwise, the following terms have the following meanings:
2.1. Contractor provides services offering non-exclusive Access to Program and Questionnaire(s) for processing data to obtain INSUNRISE reports, and access to Consultations, and/or other services in accordance with the list of Services and the current price List published on Contractor's website.
2.2. Services of access to consultations are provided to Customer in person/in absentia by agreement, remotely, using modern means of communication: telephone, e-mail or via Skype or other messengers, as agreed on by the Parties.
2.3. Customer pays for selected type of Service in accordance with the list of Services and the current price List published on Contractor’s website, and receives Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
2.4. Terms of Service depend on the content of Services requested by Customer, but may not exceed:
2.5. The current version of this Agreement (Public Offer) is available on Contractor’s website
2.6. This Agreement shall have the power of an act on provision of services. Delivery-acceptance of rendered services is made without signing of the corresponding act.
3.1. Payment for all services under this Agreement shall be made in the form of one hundred percent pre-payment and in the manner established by this Agreement.
3.2. Payment for Services is carried out by transferring funds to Contractor’s account through the internet acquiring system posted on Contractor’s website(s).
3.3. The moment of payment for services selected by Customer is considered one hundred percent receipt of funds, in an amount corresponding to the order, to Contractor’s account.
3.4. The cost of Services is indicated on Contractor's website in the current price List. Details for payment of Services are fully specified on Contractor’s website and in clause 8 of this Agreement.
3.5. Customer independently pays for bank services and other agents associated with the transfer of funds to Contractor’s account.
3.6. Customer shall be solely responsible for promptness of payments made and correctness of personal data entered in connection with provision of Services under this Agreement.
3.7. Should early termination of the contract on Customer’s initiative arise, and it is a legal entity, advance payment to Customer is not returned and is withheld by Contractor as an amount of penalty for non-compliance by Customer with its obligations.
4.1. Customer shall pay for Services in accordance with clause 3 of this Agreement.
4.2. Customer informs Contractor about selected Services and payment made for (amount, date, sender's data and purpose of payment) by means of a letter sent to the e-mail address specified by Customer and on the website in the user's Cart.
4.3. Access to Consultation(s) is provided in an amount corresponding to the amount of payment for Services and on the subject agreed with Customer verbally or in writing when placing an Order.
4.4. The obligations of the Parties shall be deemed duly fulfilled after providing Customer with access to Consultation(s) in an amount corresponding to the amount of payment for Services determined by this Agreement in paragraph 2.4.
4.5. This Agreement shall have the power of an act on provision of Services. Delivery-Acceptance of services rendered is made without signing the corresponding act.
4.6. Contractor shall not be liable, both to Customer and to third parties, for quality and consequences of services rendered to Customer and shall not return payment made if Customer has hidden from Contractor of being registered in a psychoneurological clinic, or having hidden or distorted other information necessary for Contractor to conduct quality Consultations.
4.7. Consultant of Contractor has the right to unilaterally refuse to provide access to Consultation and to consult or provide Access to Customer (individual), subject to the return of paid funds minus bank commission for the implementation of the relevant transfer, and provided this does not contradict other clauses of the Contract in the following cases:
5.1. Obligations and rights of Contractor:
5.1.1. Provide services in good faith under this Agreement and in accordance with its terms.
5.1.2. Provide access to consultations according to time parameters agreed with Customer(s). Should change of time or other parameters of the appointed consultation arise, Contractor is obliged to notify Customer no later than one day before the beginning of the appointed consultation.
5.1.3. Maintain confidentiality of personal data in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.1.4. Cease rendering services to Customer in case of disrespectful communication between Customer and Contractor, concealment of the fact of an account in a psychoneurological clinic, untimely payment of access to consultation(s), appearance on consultation in a state of intoxication and for other reasons which Contractor considers sufficient for termination of work.
5.2. Obligations and rights of Customer:
5.2.1. Pay for Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
5.2.2. Provide accurate information in the process of creating an account (registration) on the site.
5.2.3. Not to reproduce, repeat, copy, record audio or video materials; sell, or use, for any purpose, information and materials made available in connection with provision of Services, except for personal use.
5.2.4. Maintain in good technical condition equipment and communication channels that provide access to Contractor’s site. Contractor shall not be liable for failure to provide (poor quality) services for reasons beyond Contractor’s control.
6.1. Provision of information by Customer
6.1.1. When registering on the site in the framework of and for the provision of services by Contractor and Customer under this Agreement, as well as for its fulfilment, Customer undertakes to voluntarily provide the following information: surname, name, patronymic, e-mail address, phone number, other necessary information in the framework of the reception and transfer of services to provide access to Advice and interaction with Contractor.
6.1.2. Contractor shall use the data provided by Customer during the entire period of Customer's registration on the site/Contract validity in order to:
6.1.3. When placing an order on the site, Customer provides the following information: Last Name, First Name, Patronymic, address and time of reception and transfer of services to provide access to consultation(s), contact phone number/phone numbers, personal identifiers (nicknames) in messengers, account numbers or Bank cards, in case of a refund, answers in questionnaires.
6.1.4. Customer, in concluding this Agreement, in accordance with the Federal law of 27.07.2006 N 152-FZ "on personal data", agrees to the processing, storage and other use of personal data contained in documents and other information transmitted to Contractor in order to ensure the fulfilment of the contract.
6.1.5. The use of information provided by Customer and received by the Contractor is reduced to:
6.2. Contractor undertakes not to transfer the information received from Customer to third parties. It is not considered a violation for the Contractor to provide information to agents and third parties acting on the basis of an Agency, dealer or dealer agreement with the Contractor for the performance of obligations to Customer and only within the framework of existing agreements.
6.3. The transfer of information in accordance with reasonable and applicable requirements of legislation of the Russian Federation is not considered a breach of obligations.
6.4. Contractor retains the right to use the technology "cookies". "Cookies" do not contain confidential information and are not transmitted to third parties.
6.4. Contractor receives information about visitor IP-address to its website(s) and information about the link from which the visitor came to the Company’s website. This information is not used to identify the visitor.
6.5. Contractor shall not be liable for information and personal data published by Customer anywhere and in a publicly available form, as well as for the correctness of personal data and other information provided to Contractor or published by Customer.
6.6. When processing Customer's personal data, Contractor shall take necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, as well as from other illegal actions with respect to personal data.
6.7. Customer undertakes not to disclose to third parties login and password used for identification on Contractor’s site(s), as well as access keys issued by Contractor in the framework of rendering services under this Agreement.
6.8. Contractor is not responsible for transfer to third parties keys to access the program, usernames and passwords issued to Customer, and provides reports and access to advice in accordance with personal data entered by Contractor independently.
6.9. Customer undertakes to ensure due diligence when storing and using login and password, access keys (including, but not limited to: use of licensed anti-virus programs, use of complex alphanumeric combinations when creating a password, not to make available to third parties a computer or other equipment with Customer's login and password entered on it, etc.).
6.10. Contractor, using personal data provided by Customer, retains the right to inform about promotions and special offers through electronic mail. Unsubscribing from newsletters is possible at any time in the "Personal account" section and/or through the "Unsubscribe from the mailing list" link in the Company's e-mail.
7.1. The agreement shall enter into force upon Customer's acceptance of its terms and conditions and shall remain in force until the Parties fully meet their respective obligations under this Agreement.
Russian Federation 192171,
St. Petersburg, Polyarnikov st., bld. 5, office 2
Tax identification number 7811151363,
Registration reason code (PPC) 781101001
Payment account: 40702810732330000232
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