Assessment of staff competencies

What competencies are required from a particular employee? This is the very question that initiated the creation of competency models in the first place. We need precise, understandable and applicable criteria.


Stunningly accurate method of creating and measuring competencies at your service!

Try asking yourself
the following questions

  • 1

    We have created models of requirements. How objective are they?

  • 2

    How do we assess the presence of necessary competencies in employees, avoiding subjectivity or average assessment?

  • 3

    What are the appraisal criteria?

  • 4

    What competencies are the most important? Are there universal competencies suitable for any employee?

  • 5

    Should we apply uniform criteria in Job Descriptions and to Employees?

  • 6

    How many competencies will be sufficient to appraise an employee?

  • 7

    What is the permissible range of discrepancies between the employee’s competencies and those required for the Position?

  • 8

    Which competencies are more important: behavioral or technical? Which are easier to develop?

  • 9

    Does it make sense to invest in a young employee, hoping that their leadership skills will grow over time?

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to get answers!

Indeed, by answering these questions, you will get a very accurate picture of your employees and directions for their development.

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Even in an established team, you can make bright high-quality discoveries!

Mathematics of prof. suitability

Typically, the number of corporate competencies is limited. 8-12 parameters is a realistic number to apply to a company's employees in general.

More than 200 measurable scales are embedded in DISC INSUNRISE Assessment system, which most likely include those corporate competencies your company requires.

You can measure to the power of ten each individual employee’s competencies!

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