DISC based Trainings
DISC — is a language of live communication and observable behavior used consciously or unconsciously by all people.
For this reason the DISC method should not be limited to matters of assessment, evaluation, recruitment or generation the most conclusive and valid reports.
Your own behavioral style
No matter how authentic and distinctive our style of behavior is, it is at the same time object of observation for surrounding us people. It is in way our business card. We inevitably demonstrate it to others.
For example, the characteristics «reserved» is highly self-explanatory and observable. Whereas, the characteristics «unpredictable» — becomes a factor of predictability in the behavior of our conversation partner.

On the other hand, naturally strong communicative skills do not guarantee successful communication
The plots of numerous films and books are based on the oppositeness of people’s temperaments and dramedy of their communication.
Every one of us faces lots of communicative experiences every day! But for the most part, we do not even come close to the really efficient ways of communicating. If not you you personally than many people around you stubbornly stick to their habitual behavioral style, being reluctant to depart their comfort zone, which reduces their chances to understand others and be understood.
The DISC Method Application
The training strategy may be chosen depending on the subject you are interested in or your
It inspires us a lot and makes even more enthusiastic, when we see that the ideas we promote prove to be efficient on a daily basis and possess great potential. We constantly observe that our knowledge helps people both in work and private life. For this reason, it is now our mission — to promote the distribution of the DISC method and other best practices.
About the INSUNRISE Trainings
Our training programs underwent long-term time check and careful selection. Our trainings are unique on the HR-market because:
Their authors — were directly involved in the DISC method development.
Trainings are hosted by people, who practice the DISC method on a daily basis in management, sales and educational work.
Our programs may be dedicated to highly popular topics. However, it is the scientifically-based DISC method serving as foundation to all our trainings that allows to translate theoretical knowledge into practically applicable HR-tools employed by TOP 500 companies.
We often adapt our programs and develop new ones.