Assessment of your Leadersip style based on DISC method

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    Obtain your individual expert conclusion: DISC Leadership potential report

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It doesn't matter what sphere you are working in. What you achieve is what matters.

True Leaders are distinguished by critical attitudes to themselves and awareness of strengths and weaknesses. You are a Leader: if you unite and involve people to solve the most difficult tasks, even those that are not directly within your scope. You motivate, make decisions, fight for results.

The main tool you have is your own potential! You are free to use it or not.

Discover your strengths and development areas now!

  • Leadership competencies
DISC Leadership Potential: Basic

If you are considering a managerial career or already are a manager, then DISC's Leadership Potential is for you!

The LP report will help you form an idea of your own potential as a Manager or, more broadly, as a Leader. You will receive a basic objective opinion about your behavior style as a Leader.

You can also attach this report to your resume or use it to prepare for a management competency test.

Invincibility lies you yourself, and the opportunity to gain the upperhand over competitors. To know yourself is to make yourself invincible, which means to be a Leader!

The DISC Leadership Potential Report: Basic includes the following sections:
  • A General description of your behavior style (text)
  • General description
  • Motivating incentives
  • Leadership style
  • Strategic and systemic vision
  • Leadership and Proactivity
  • Decision-making style and overcoming problems
  • Behavior in conflict situations
  • Performance constraints
  • My talents
  • Recommendations to improve your own efficiency
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  • Leadership competencies
Extended Leadership Forecast

If you are considering a managerial career or you already are a manager, then DISC's Leadership Potential is for you!

The LP report will help you form an expanded and holistic view of your potential as a Manager or, more broadly, as a Leader. The report objectively measures your strengths along with your growth areas.

You can also attach this report to your resume or use it to prepare for a management competency test.

Invincibility lies in you yourself, and the opportuntunity to gain the upperhand over your competitor. To know yourself is to make yourself invincible, which means to be a Leader!

The Advanced DISC Leadership potential report includes the following sections:
  • General Descriptions of Behaviour
  • Team Roles Rose
  • Jane’s Strengths
  • Strategic and Systemic Vision
  • Motivating Stimuli
  • DEMOTIVATORS. What Jane Seeks to Avoid
  • Proactiveness and Leadership
  • Target attitudes and psychological needs
  • Leadership Style
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Communication and Convincing Style
  • Behaviour in Conflict Situations
  • Recommendations for better communication — WHAT TO USE
  • Recommendations for better communication — WHAT TO AVOID
  • Work Pace and Attitude to Change
  • Analysis and processing of information
  • Jane’s Inefficient Behavior
  • Recommendations to improve Jane’s own efficiency
  • Personal Developement Plan
  • Reputation. How others perceive Jane
  • DISC Behavior Style - Instructions for Reading Graphs
  • Jane’s Behaviour Style - DISC Graphs
95 €
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Order a consultation based on results

You have the opportunity to order a developmental individual consultation (45-60 minutes +) from a specialist based on your results after filling in the DISC questionnaire and obtain a few insights!

A professional consultant will help you understand your questions on the topic of your application and, if necessary, formulate a step-by-step development plan.

48 €
30-40 Consultation minutes

Obtain the most valuable information from the developer!


 — these are professional conclusions about the individual traits of a particular person.

They carry developmental information and can be extremely useful to a variety of people. It only remains to choose why an assessment with advanced features. INSUNRISE is useful to you in particular.

You can also select and purchase DISC expert reports on the following topics:

  • Personal
    • Find out about your self
    • For lovers
  • Work and career
    • Career guidance
    • Career development
  • Rapport
    • Family guide
    • Relationship adjustment
    • Self-Knowledge
    • Development
    iDISC reveals Hidden features and talents of my personality

    If you wish to know yourself deeper, and as objectively as possible, taking into account your talents, constraints and motivators, as well as to get useful recommendations on self-development, we offer you a report.

    iDISC report reveals Hidden talents of your personality, includes up to 25 pages of useful information.

    You can provide this report to an employer as a Summary detailing your behavior style and Soft Skills.

    iDISC report includes the following sections:
    • A General description of your behavior style (text)
    • INSUNRISE® DISC Personal charts
    • Emotional portrait
    • Motivating incentives
    • Demotivators
    • How others perceive me
    • My talents
    • Decision-making and problem-solving style (text)
    • Communication style and beliefs (text)
    • Following rules and regulations
    • Recommendations to improve your own efficiency
    • EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: Instructions to improve communication skills
    • Development plan (free)
    46 €
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    • Career Guidance
    • Employees
    DISC RADAR Career Guidance

    You are faced with a difficult task: to decide on a profession or occupation? Then DISC RADAR Career Guidance report is for you!

    You will learn what tasks best suit you and what talents you have.

    DISC RADAR Career guidance report includes the following sections:
    • A General description of your behavior style (text)
    • Psychological needs and guidelines
    • Job performance in competencies
    • Motivating incentives
    • Demotivators
    • Value to an organization
    • Performance constraints
    • Recommendations to improve your own efficiency
    • Development plan
    • Proactivity and leadership
    • Analysis and processing of information
    • Decision-making and problem-solving style (text)
    • Communication style and beliefs (text)
    • Activity rate and attitude to change
    • Following rules and regulations
    • Your ideal mentor
    • DISC INSUNRISE® Personal charts
    59 €
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    • For brides and grooms
    • For lovers
    • To strengthen your family
    DISC for 2

    How best to convey to loved ones how best to communicate with you? Just let them know! Get to know each other from the outset!

    DISC for 2 report will help you find the words and the best communication strategy and reveal each other's talents, sensitivity triggers and characteristics. Make a gift for yourself and your loved one!

    In the report, you will find instructions for communicating with you. Remember: you can INFLUENCE what is REALIZED!

    DISC for 2 report includes the following sections:
    • A General description of your behavior style (text)
    • Motivating incentives
    • Demotivators
    • Strengths
    • Inefficient behavior
    • Social adaptation – Masked behavior
    • Behavior in conflict situations
    • Behavior under stress and pressure
    • Recommendations for improving communication: what to CONSIDER
    • Recommendations to improve communication: what to AVOID
    • EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: Instructions to improve communication skills
    • Rose – relationship Diagram
    44 €
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    • For finding solutions
    • For a fresh look
    • For strengthening your family
    DISC Family Guide

    Who is in charge of your family and why? What is the best strategy to get what you want from your partner? How not to oppress loved ones with demands that they are not ready to fulfill?

    DISC Family Guide report is for you if you want answers to these questions!

    Find the keys to harmony in relationships and understanding each other! Enjoy similarities and differences in your personalities!

    Wise people jokingly say: "Family is a hell which we must make as comfortable as possible." Everything is in your hands!

    DISC Family Guide report includes the following sections:
    • A General description of behavior style (text)
    • DISC INSUNRISE® Personal charts
    • Psychological needs and guidelines
    • Strengths
    • Decisions-making and problem-solving style (text)
    • Communication style and beliefs (text)
    • Activity rate and attitude to change
    • Behavior under stress and pressure
    • How others perceive me
    • Recommendations for improving communication: what to CONSIDER
    • Recommendations to improve communication: what to AVOID
    • Recommendations to improve your own efficiency
    • Development plan (free)
    43 €
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    • Career
    • Career Guidance
    • Talents
    DISC Career Guide

    If you are considering a career, then you are thinking about development. Find out what traits will help you succeed and which ones are worth developing so that they do not constrain you.

    DISC Career Guide report will help you determine which role in an organization you can most benefit from!

    You can provide the report to a potential employer as a Summary detailing your behavior style and Soft Skills competencies in a favorable or neutral way. This will be your advantage as the DISC method is used by the world's largest companies in hiring.

    DISC Career Guide report includes the following sections:
    • General description of your behavior style (text)
    • INSUNRISE DISC Personal charts
    • Psychological needs and guidelines
    • Position performance in competencies
    • Style of work on projects
    • Value to an organization
    • Performance constraints
    • Motivating incentives
    • Demotivating factors
    • Proactivity and leadership
    • Decision-making and problem-solving style (text)
    • Communication style and beliefs (text)
    • Activity rate and attitude to change
    • Recommendations to improve your performance
    • Your ideal mentor
    • Development plan
    48 €
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    • For those looking for common ground
    • For those choosing a profession
    DISC Conflict manager

    The most unsolvable problems &ndash are unconscious!

    Then DISC Conflict manager report is for you!

    Rapprochement begins with understanding. Just pass on the information you want to convey to loved ones. Let DISC reports be your intermediaries!

    The report can be provided to an employer as a Summary detailing your behavior style and Soft Skills in a beneficial or neutral manner.

    DISC Conflict manager report includes the following sections:
    • A General description of your behavior style (text)
    • Motivating incentives
    • Demotivating factors
    • Strengths
    • Inefficient behavior
    • Behavior in conflict situations (scale)
    • How others perceive me
    • Your ideal mentor
    • Recommendations for improving communication: what to CONSIDER
    • Recommendations to improve communication: what to AVOID
    • EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: Instructions to improve communication skills
    • Rose – relationship Chart
    • Development plan (free)
    48 €
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INSUNRISE reports will be interesting for:

  • Those who wish to better understand themselves, to know their potential, their limitations, psychological needs, and to outline a Development Plan.
  • People looking for their soul mate or want to get to know their partner better. For example, newlyweds are great candidates!
  • Parents who want to better understand their children and vice versa.
  • Those choosing a profession and wish to determine the scope of activity.
  • People who have already worked in different places and are at a crossroads.
  • Husbands and wives as a means of self-discovery, to find a better approach to each other, to refresh their relationship and, finally, for entertainment.

World recognition

We are proud that our Company has popularized tools and solutions based on methodology known since the 1920s. We have received international recognition and our tools are used by major international companies.

You have a special opportunity to access information about yourself and your loved ones expressed in the most accessible, correct and accurate terms. Now you will definitely be able to raise your level of self-awareness!


It's an ambitious task: to become better, stronger, happier!